The engineering company with 70 years of plant design history (1954-2024).


Year Assignment Customer Services
2021 Automatic weighing system for 3G Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. supervision
2021 SS steel structures in the extended production of toothpastes - model update GSK Consumer Healthcare Levice, s.r.o. DD
2021 OPEN GYM project Pronea, a.s. PE
2021 Pump replacement in Spolana - documentation authorization SLOVPUMP TRADE, s.r.o. PE
2021 Transfer of the autoclave from the OPL building to the Unihala building Saneca Pharmaceuticals CE
2021 Installation of a new dryer in AČK TP -Static assessment of the ceiling structure in m.č.143 Saneca Pharmaceuticals DD
2021 Replacement of remote controlled valves at exchanger 5994 Evonik Fermas DD
2021 Manual filling automation Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. CE
2021 Project Rhamses support (assessment of technical acquisitions) CB&I / Mc Dermott support
2021 Workshop documentation of steel constructions Continental (CMR) DD
2021 Scanning and vectorization of objects on Jasovská street Bratislava STU BA DD
2021 HVAC documentation (part ML8) Continental (CMR) translation to English
2021 HVAC refrigerant leakage detection Continental (CMR) DD
2021 Thermal disposal of chlorates Kovoprojekta Brno a. s. DD, as built
2021 Packaging warehouse (fire protection) Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2021 Installation of heat pumps Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. CE
2021 HVAC for bldg.  Builloins Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. CE
2021 Press bldg. Vectorization Continental (CMR) DD
2021 Accurate dosing of flavors on Mogule B Cloetta Slovakia s.r.o. CE
2021 Extrusion of thermoplastic conductors expensa spol. s r.o. PE
2021 Laser scan of the future staircase MILSY laser scan
2021 Expansion of compressed air distribution Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2021 Modification of the external steel staircase HYZA a.s. DD
2021 HVAC documentation (part 2, 3) Continental (CMR) translation to English
2021 HVAC consumption measurement Continental (CMR) DD
2021 Update of protocols on determination of external influences of THR3 IS – Industry Solutions, a.s. DD
2021 Automatic weighing system for 3G – part instrumentation Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2021 Infrastructure II. stage (electrical & instrumentation) Evonik Fermas DD
2021 Bldg. No. 24 lift Fatra, a.s. PE, DD, supervision
2021 Reconstruction of EDC storage - redesign of part Instrumentation JOVABOUW, s.r.o. DD
2021 Infrastructure EIA (change notice) Evonik Fermas EIA
2021 Reconstruction of bottling and storage of emulsifier FORTISCHEM a.s. PE, DD
2021 Modification of washing system LAD2 Duslo a.s. as built, BE, PE, DD, supervision
2021 Off gas system adaptation - technical support Meroco DD
2021 Isometrics drawings Evonik Fermas DD
2021 Electrical installation for connection of refrigerated trucks HYZA a.s. DD
2021 Water supply for boiler room PORFIX – pórobetón, a.s. PE, DD
2021 Water supply and sewerage connections for LD Terezka, Bojnice FKF Design, s.r.o. PE
2021 Spa Bojnice fountain KTS-AME s.r.o. PE
2021 Floor washing machine assessment Heineken Slovensko, a.s. DD
2021 Renewal, reconstruction and modernization of infrastructure Phase II Evonik Fermas DD
2021 Static assessment and design of platforms for sedimentation vessels in hall No. 1 Continental (CMR) DD
2021 Project „1347FE - Wastewater quality USSK - Modernization of CHUV Heating plant“: part Ultrafiltration SAM - SHIPBUILDING AND MACHINERY a. s. PE
2021 Glatt filter drawing Saneca Pharmaceuticals DD
2021 TMK project Evonik Fermas EPCM
2021 Reconstruction of operating unit PJ 20.06 FARMAK, a.s. DD
2021 Plant adaptation - isometric drawings Evonik Fermas DD
2021 Production hall laser scan (2nd floor) Continental (CMR) laser scan
2021 HVAC documentation Continental (CMR) translation to English
2021 Verification of the fire resistance of the staircase Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2021 The fence extension of HYZA plant HYZA a.s. PE
2021 Vectorization of bldg. No. 16 Buillons Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2021 Laser scan in bldg. Cutting & Confection Continental (CMR) laser scan
2021 Adjustment of relative humidity in the semi-finished product warehouse - basement in bldg. Bouillons: steam / water injection into air Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2021 Automatic weighing system for 3G – I.phase Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. CE
2021 Update of protocols on determination of external influences (vol. No. 1 and 4) Continental (CMR) DD
2021 Renewal and rationalization of steam distribution P3 on bridges Q1 and X1 Duslo a.s. DD, as built, supervision
2021 MP1 adaptation (instrumentation) IS – Industry Solutions, a.s. DD
2021 New dryer installation Saneca Pharmaceuticals DD
2021 Salt pneumatic transport evaluation Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. CE
2021 1338CL "RaM Dynamoline - DN4" REPREX, s.r.o. PE, DD
2021 The freezing storage fasade and gatehouse repair HYZA a.s. DD
2021 New capsulator installation Saneca Pharmaceuticals DD
2021 Product storage and handling Evonik Fermas EIA
2021 TMK project Evonik Fermas BE
2021 New compactor installation Saneca Pharmaceuticals DD
2021 OSD air locks Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. DD
2021 Sugar storage and dissolving Heineken Slovensko, a.s. PE, DD
2021 Handling areas in plant Chemistry FORTISCHEM a.s. DD
2021 Laser scanning and vectorization of production hall in Brezno REA-S s.r.o. laser scan
2021 Ethylen oxide tanks adaptation FORTISCHEM a.s. DD
2021 Replacement of E109 / E105 exchangers at the DAM unit Duslo a.s. PE, DD, supervision, as built
2021 Connection of the RTO unit to the internal distribution system of natural gas and compressed air SaarGummi Slovakia s.r.o. DD
2021 Classified technical equipment construction documentation (piping), project ARU / Messer Tatragas/Duslo Šaľa SILVIA spol. s r.o. DD
2021 Reconstruction of the 2nd floor for the Institute of Pathological Anatomy ÚVN Ružomberok PE, DD
2021 Laser scanning and vectorization of steam distribution pipelines system HYZA a.s.
2021 New dryer installation Saneca Pharmaceuticals CE
2021 Extension of warehouse HYZA a.s. PE, DD, supervision
2021 VOC emissions reduction technology SaarGummi Slovakia s.r.o. PE
2021 HVAC Continental (CMTT) PE, DD, supervision, as built
2020 Vaccines production BLOCK, a.s. DD
2020 Technology and utility distribution in building no. 4 Continental Matador Rubber, s.r.o. As Built
2020 Change in the intention to produce bioethanol in the Enviral a.s. ENVIRAL, a.s. PE
2020 Rhamses - Territorial Decision Documentation Evonik Fermas s.r.o. PE
2020 CPP for MP1 Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EPCM
2020 Project MP1 - BE Evonik Fermas s.r.o. BE, EPCM, start-up support
2020 Adaptation of pipeline classes Evonik Fermas s.r.o. DD
2020 EIA - aspartic acid Evonik Fermas s.r.o. PE
2020 Pipe connections in the tankfarm Evonik Fermas s.r.o. DD
2020 Product storage tanks Evonik Fermas s.r.o. PE
2020 Biomass filling place Evonik Fermas s.r.o. PE
2020 Static assessment of a part of load-bearing structures in building no.24 Fatra, a.s. DD
2020 Emergency plan - water protection FORTISCHEM a.s. PE
2020 Reduction of VC emissions into the air during PVC production FORTISCHEM a.s. DD
2020 Modification of EDC technology with BAT requirements FORTISCHEM a.s. PE, DD
2020 3D coordination of pipelines in the extended production of toothpastes GSK Consumer Healthcare Levice, s.r.o. CE
2020 OMEGA -warehouse change of use KPI, s. r. o. DD
2020 Argon recovery unit Messer Tatragas, spol. s r.o. DD
2020 Superstructure and extension of building No. 16 - Bouillon Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. PE, DD
2020 Fat handling facility Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. PE, DD
2020 Semi-finished product warehouse - Basement obj. No.16 Bouillon Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2020 Semi-finished product warehouse - Transport bridge between the Soup and Bouillon buildings Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2020 Ramp and canopy Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2020 Supporting OK for electrical supply lines Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2020 Construction modifications in the Soup building Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2020 Superstructure of a part of the Polievkáreň building Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. CE
2020 Compressed air consumption measurement for MS and HS lines Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2020 Assessment of floor load-bearing capacity Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2020 Reduction of VOC emissions on LDPE3 Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2020 Scanning and vectorization of space - Jurigovo námestie Bratislava Stavebná fakulta STU Bratislava Laser scan
2020 Buprenorphine 2500 kg in bldg. 50 Teva Czech Industries s. r. o. As Built
2020 OSD - Capacity Increase Teva Czech Industries s. r. o. CE, BE, DD
2020 Expansion of Buprenorphine production Teva Czech Industries s. r. o. CE
2019 Modification of the off-gas system MEROCO, a.s. DD
2019 Project Rhamses engineering support Evonik Fermas s.r.o. Engineering Support
2019 Electrical distribution KVARTET,a.s. As Built
2019 UGL production modernization - contact cooler extraction Duslo, a.s. DD
2019 Superstructure of the Bouillon bldg Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2019 Stuart II. Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. Laser scan
2019 Space scanning MILSY a.s. Laser scan
2019 Stuart II., weighing system concept Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. Atex
2019 Buprenorphine 2500 kg in bldg 50 - support during the construction Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. Engineering Support
2019 Dehumidification of the bldg Soup Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. Technical support HVAC4
2019 CPP pilot Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EPCM
2019 CPP2 Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EPCM
2019 BP increase in the production of Tacrolimus Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. BE, PE
2019 Offices over QM Continental Matador Truck Tires s.r.o. CE, PE, DD
2019 Fluid dryer Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. CE, PE, DD
2019 Argon unit Messer Tatragas, spol. s r.o. PE, DD
2019 Project OMEGA: 3D model of dryer chambers KPI, s. r. o. (Cloetta Slovakia s. r. o.) Laser scan
2019 Off-site installation of an argon unit Duslo, a.s. DD
2019 Nitrogen lower bubbling in NP on desulphurisation OC1 and OC2 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. DD
2019 Reconstruction of social spaces in the halls in the area for the production of prefabricated buildings STRABAG Pozemné a inžinierske staviteľstvo s. r. o. DD
2019 Scanning of the vacuum station space at steel plant no.1 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. Laser scan
2019 Utility as built CMK, s.r.o. As Built
2019 Gallium recycling bldgs as built CMK, s.r.o. As Built
2019 GaAs production g bldg as built CMK, s.r.o. As Built
2019 DN4 project REPREX, s.r.o. / U. S. Steel Košice PE, DD
2019 Wardrobe superstructure above the CMTT ramp Continental Matador Truck Tires s.r.o. PE, DD
2019 Semi-finished goods warehouse Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. CE
2019 MP1 Evonik Fermas s.r.o. CE
2019 Aminoacids production Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EIA
2019 Superstructure and extension of the building Bouillon Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. PE, DD, Commisioning
2019 Building Bouillon - firefighting safety revision Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. Firefighting report
2019 Reduction of VOC emissions on LDPE3 (RTO) Siemens s.r.o. DD
2019 Lift design - comparative variant study Fatra, a. s. CE
2019 Cold distribution Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2018 Emergency plan update FORTISCHEM a. s. HSE
2018 HSE for VVZ bldg revision Saneca Pharmaceuticals a.s. DD
2018 Reduction of TOC emissions at the Nováky plant SLOVECA, Sasol Slovakia, spol. s r.o. EPC
2018 Commissioning II. Phase Zentiva k.s. Praha Commisioning
2018 Grass Fertilizer Line AGRO CS a. s. PE, DD
2018 Modernization of UGL production Duslo, a.s. DD
2018 Membrane electrolysis FORTISCHEM a. s. As Built
2018 Adaptation of part of the premises of the exchange office building to administrative and social premises FORTISCHEM a. s. PE
2018 Emergency chlorine scrubber FORTISCHEM a. s. DD
2018 Membrane electrolysis - HAZOP related adaptations FORTISCHEM a. s. DD
2018 Production and storage of wine Imos Brno, a.s. As Built
2018 Mixing and storage of spices Mäspoma spol. s r.o. PE (Territorial Decision)
2018 Polio Vacccine Production (HVAC) BLOCK a.s. As Built
2018 Bioethanol 2G SAM - SHIPBUILDING AND MACHINERY a. s. Cost estimation
2018 Reconstruction of the salt warehouse, part of the dissolution of brine FORTISCHEM a. s. PE/DD
2018 Expansion of the capacity of the emergency tank for raw materials loading SLOVECA, Sasol Slovakia, spol. s r.o. CE, PE/DD
2018 Laser scan - layout drawing Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. Laser scan
2018 Wastewater disposal from POX production SLOVPUMP-TRADE, s.r.o. DD
2018 Zvolen Hospital - central reception, ARO, operating rooms, gynecology BLOCK a.s. PE support (electrical)
2018 Meat dryer replacement Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2018 Installation of the line in the Soup building Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2018 Scanning the south sides of objects MILSY a.s. Laser scan
2018 33/5000 Evonik Technochemie GmbH DD
2018 Warehouse of packaged materials - reconstruction SLOVECA, Sasol Slovakia, spol. s r.o. DD
2018 Modernization of storage and handling areas FORTISCHEM a. s. PE
2018 Modification of the filling point of ammonia for railway tanks Duslo, a.s. DD
2018 GO R&D at Fermas Evonik Fermas s.r.o. BE, EPCM
2018 Chemical warehouse API Eng. & IPC in the VVZ building Saneca Pharmaceuticals a.s. CE, DD
2018 Expansion of the Sulfurex production unit range PTCHEM Sulfurex, s. r. o. PE
2018 Project Steve Evonik Fermas s.r.o. CE
2018 Energy audit CMK, s.r.o. Energy Audit
2018 Buprenorphine 2500 kg in bldg 50 Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. BE, DD
2018 Heat distribution KVARTET,a.s. As Built
2018 Dedusting of pouring places Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2018 Dehumidification of part of the bldg Soup Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. CE, DD
2018 Pilot plant CPP Evonik Fermas s.r.o. BE, CE
2017 Alkaloid Production Increase Saneca Pharmaceuticals a.s. R&D, BE
2017 TOC, VOC Off Gas Line Reduction SLOVECA, Sasol Slovakia, spol. s r.o. BE, PE
2017 OSDII Phase B Extension Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. DD
2017 SCC of API in Dossenheim Evonik Technochemie GmbH CE
2017 DX Storage in Kaba (Fast Track) Evonik Agroferm Zrt. BE
2017 Fluid Bed Dryer Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. DD
2017 CYTO Production Line, obj. 95 Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. DD
2017 Grass Fertilizer Line AGRO CS a. s. R&D, CE
2017 Green Ocean Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EPCM
2017 Membrane Electrolysis (Piping) DESIGN ENGINEERING, a. s. (FORTISCHEM) DD
2017 Chlorine Scrubber Capacity Increase FORTISCHEM a. s. CE, BE, DD
2017 P&IDs of the Off Gas System in Hanau Evonik Technochemie GmbH As Built
2017 P&IDs of the Exhaust Air System in Hanau Evonik Technochemie GmbH As Built
2017 Obeticholic Acid Production Line Transfer Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. DD
2017 Steam Condensate Reconstruction - Uni Hall Saneca Pharmaceuticals a.s. DD
2017 Selexipag Production Line Transfer Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. DD
2017 GPL Production Line Adaptation Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. DD
2017 AMC Production Line Upgrade in SSPU Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. DD
2017 Wine Production in Ripnany Imos Brno, a.s. DD
2017 Spice and Herbs Mixing Plant Mäspoma spol. s r.o. CE, PE
2017 Filling Line Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. Study
2017 Bouillon Mixers Renewal Nestlé Slovensko s.r.o. Study
2017 Polio Vacccine Production (HVAC) BLOCK a.s. PE
2016 Rexim - BE Glycom - Regular Production Evonik Rexim S.A.S. BE
2016 OBELIX Fermentation Launch Platform Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EPCM
2016 Lyophilisation of Glatir. Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. E
2016 OBELIX Production Plant Evonik Fermas s.r.o. BE, PE
2015 Valine 98 Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EPCM
2015 Pilot Plant TMG Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EPCM
2015 Chilled Water Supply (CHWS) Evonik Fermas s.r.o. BE
2015 Increasing of OSD II Plant Capacity Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. E
2015 Pilot Alfa Evonik Fermas s.r.o. E
2015 New Plant LUMPAN in Atyrau FAVEA Europe s.r.o. E
2015 HECTOR - TP4 in Opava Imos Brno, a.s. E
2015 Production Capacity Increase of Morphine Saneca Pharmaceuticals a.s. CE, BE
2015 TMG Plant Evonik Fermas s.r.o. BE, PE
2014-15 Laboratory Autoclave SLOVECA, Sasol Slovakia, spol. s r.o. EPC
2014 Construction Carbide Furnace FORTISCHEM a. s. PE, DE
2014 Reconstruction of a Completion of Production of non-sterile Liquid Dosage Forms Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. BE
2014 Health Safety Environment in obj. VVZ Saneca Pharmaceuticals a.s. DE
2014 Production of Sophorolipids Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EIA
2014 Reconstruction of Black Liquor Evaporation Plant (steam & condensate system) BUKOCEL, a.s. DE
2014 Concentrated non Condensable Gases / Stripper Off Gases BUKOCEL, a.s. CE
2013-14 Glatiramer Production Line B Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. CE, BE, PE, DE
2013 Health Safety Environment in object Codeine Saneca Pharmaceuticals a.s. DE
2013 Health Safety Environment in object Unihala Saneca Pharmaceuticals a.s. DE
2013 Biovalin / Alfa DSP and Bioval GD Evonik Fermas s.r.o. BE, PE
2013 20th Steam-Boiler Plant & Steam Pipe Line Reconstruction BUKOCEL, a.s. DE
2012-14 Toll Manufacturing Production (TML) Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EPCM
2012-13 Toll Manufacturing Achland Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EPCM
2012-13 R&D Plant for new Amino Acid Derivates Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EPCM
2012-13 Extension of the Production of Solid Dosage Forms Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. BE, PE, DE
2012 Heat Recovery BUKOCEL, a.s. DE
2011-12 Dextrose Storage and Distribution Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EPCM
2011-12 Increase Production Capacity of Semisynthetic Paclitaxel Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. BE, PE, DE
2011-12 Reconstruction Refinement of Morphine Saneca Pharmaceuticals a.s. PE, DE
2011 Extension of the Production of Soft Gelatin Capsules Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. FS
2011 Risk Analysis Centers for API Saneca Pharmaceuticals a.s. DE
2011 Reducing Emissions of Vinyl Chloride in the Manufacture of EDC FORTISCHEM a. s. PE, DE
2011 Processing Plant Extracts from Plants FAVEA Europe s.r.o. BE
2010-11 Cooling Tower Extension Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EPCM
2010-11 Tryptophan 1300 Evonik Fermas s.r.o. EPCM
2010-11 Increase Production Capacity in obj. 50 Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. PE, DE
2009-11 Modernization and Ecological Processing of Propyleneoxid FORTISCHEM a. s. PE, DE
2009-10 The Repository Ether Saneca Pharmaceuticals a.s. PE, DE
2009 Purified Water in obj. 96 Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. DE
2009 Processing Plant Extracts from Plants FAVEA Europe s.r.o. CE
2008 Technological Adjustments Codeine Hall Saneca Pharmaceuticals a.s. DE
2008 Reconstruction of Dust Exhausing Acetylene Procuction FORTISCHEM a. s. EPCM
2007 Reconstruction of the Hydrogenation of Ergot Alkaloids Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. DE
1996 Production Cyclosporine Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. DE